The Third Mall From the Sun

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Farmer's market 10/14

I've finally decided that my favorite LA area farmer's market is the Calabasas Town farmer's market on Saturdays. It's super bourgey, but the selection is outstanding.

I think October is my favorite time for produce in Southern California. Guavas, peaches, heirloom tomatoes, and all sorts of goodies are banging right now.

I went with Corinne and we both came away with some prime produce. My purchases included:

- Guavas (for smoothies and snacking)
- Golden beets
- Japanese purple sweet potato
- Yams
- Golden and baby orange carrots
- A Chinese vegetable named jujubees (great texture with a nutty/apple flavor)
- Fairtime peaches (the last crop will probably be this weekend)
- Nectarines
- Housi pears (Asian pear which will be grilled)
- 3 lbs of badass Eucalyptus honey

Should make for a good week of eating.


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