The Third Mall From the Sun

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Ads before ads

So last night we went to see Robert Altman's new film "A Prairie Home Companion". I'm not normally prone to making spontaneous decisions while in line at the movie theatre, but we decided to change our minds and see "Cars" instead.

While we were waiting for the later showtime to start, I suggested we catch the first twenty minutes of "Prairie Home". We go in the theatre and what do we see? Ads of course.

It was 9:50 and "Prairie Home" was scheduled to start at 9:40. They hadn't even gotten to the previews yet! Why the hell are we forced to sit through advertisements before we see advertisements for upcoming movies? Not only are you charged $10 for admission, but you're being sold to advertisers.

I particularly love the ads they run before the ads they run before the movie commercials. You know, the ones that show Coca-Cola in a movie scene, or "freeze frames"? They throw in bits of trivia as pacifiers ("wow, Jamie Foxx had to wear a prosthetic eye for 14 hours a day on the set of 'Ray'!?! Who'da thunk?") to keep your eyes glued to their huge moving billboard.

Then it's on to the "real ads". The Sprite commercials, the ads for Pizza Hut, etc. After about five minutes of these, we get the "good commercials", movie previews. Fifteen minutes later, we see the AMC-type ads. You know, the funny ones telling you turn off your cell phone, all while bombarding you with their corporate logo and goofy/lovable theatre mascot?

Finally, after all this, we see the movie. The one they charged us admission for. If you're lucky, it will be good. And it's sure to be filled with plenty of product placement, just in case you missed the first twenty minutes of the theatrical program.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's what you get for trying to *steal* the first 20 mins.

11:44 AM  
Blogger David said...

In retrospect, it was fitting considering the themes of advertising, salesmanship and economic prosperity in Cars.

5:17 PM  

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